Sunday, 23 August 2015

Week 5: The Nervous System

Beyond Core
Can label and explain each of the 3 parts of the nervous system and the 4 lobes of the brain.
Can label and explain the parts of the brain and locate the area responsible for each of the 5 senses. Can differentiate the peripheral and central nervous systems and explain how the nervous system works.
Can explain the stimulus-response model in a real-life situation, using correct terminology (sensory nerves, motor nerves, peripheral nervous system, central nervous system) and describe the functions of anatomy of neurons.
Can explain how neurotransmitters transmit signals through the nervous system as well as summarise the inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters.
Choose a disease affecting neurotransmitters to explain. Most importantly describe the change to the homeostatic nervous system function.
  • MS
  • ASD
Neuron image

All about the Nervous System and the Brain

Best website - click on words, go to the next page, change the level of organisation and explanation (at the top) - all the info you need up to a Beyond Core level!!!

Structure of the Nervous System Video

Endocrine & Nervous Systems combined

Youtube clip - The human brain (dissection) - This is awesome!!!! Sit down and watch this for ten minutes - helps understand the brain anatomy.


What are neurotransmitters?


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